The Light Rail Transit Authority (LRTA) is accepting proposal for the Lease of 702 Square Feet of Outdoor Advertising Spaces Located at the Recto-De Jose Linkbridge (15 Units of window Ads).
Interested parties may inquire through the Business Development Division Office of the LRTA located at the 2nd Floor, Line 2 Depot Building, Santolan, Pasig City at Telephone Number 8647-3479 to 91 locals 29897 or 29878, or via our email: You may submit a letter of proposal with company profile, plan/lay-out, specifications and installation methodology, price/offer/lease, to ATTY. HERNANDO T. CABRERA, LRTA Administrator, at the 2nd Floor, Line 2 Depot Building, Santolan, Pasig City.
LRTA reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposal(s) without thereby incurring any liability to the proponent. LRTA, at its option, may decide to award the contract to the eligible proponent with the most advantageous and responsive offer.